Riley's Toffee Rolls - Dark Chocolate

Rileys Toffee Rolls (dark chocolate) x 113g
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Riley's Toffee Rolls - Dark Chocolate Summary

Riley's Toffee Rolls - Dark Chocolate


Riley's Toffee Rolls (dark chocolate) x 113g weigh out bag.
Ella Riley's soft toffee (dark chocolate)
Ella Riley's dark chocolate coated soft toffee. Coated in a subline, rich flavoured dark chocolate brings out the sweetness of the toffee perfectly.
slightly misshaped rolls of good quality plain dark chocolate covering a smooth creamy soft toffee centre "lush they are" and may vary in shape size/thickness/weight but on average these chocolates weight approx - 10g -12g     which means you get approx  9 -11 (estimated guide only) chocolates  per 113g weigh out bag - upgrade you're weigh out bag to a larger weight
PLEASE Note -these are sold as a weigh out bag only.
Here we are selling a weigh out bag of Riley's Toffee Rolls (dark chocolate). These are fine quality plain dark chocolates with a very tasty creamy soft toffee centre - very tasty quality chocolates from a Great British Manufacturer.
Riley's Toffee Rolls dark chocolate: Do you remember Riley's Toffee?  
If you do then you probably remember how wonderful they were, and how sad you were when they stopped producing them...
Well, we have some good news for you! 
The Director of Ella Riley Ltd, (Mrs Freya Sykes) is the Great Grand Niece of the brothers who first started Riley's Toffee. 
It was her Grandmother, Ella Riley, who hand wrote the Riley family recipe down along with the instructions on how to make creamy delightful toffee. It is Freya who has formed Ella Riley Ltd to produce those wonderful toffees of yesteryear again.
Freya has taken her Grandmother's original handwritten recipe and modified it slightly to make it a softer caramel toffee (which is certainly easier on the teeth!) but which still has that warm buttery taste people so fondly remember.
Ingredients in Riley's Toffee Rolls (dark chocolate);
(Correct to the time of Listing June 12)
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